On August 25, a new day of the common pot “Un Granito de Arena” took place. This common pot was formed by several dedicated neighbors and the contribution of Fondacio Chile. They managed to gather what was needed to prepare the rich solidarity lunches.
José Esparza, president of the neighborhood council, tells us that this common pot was formed in April, motivated by some participants from Las Canteras. « It was difficult to leave because we had few instruments, independent people donated 2 stoves and 4 bottoms to us, we were lucky that a family gave us the protein, meat and chicken every week and, with Fondacio, which gives us fruit and vegetables, give us solidarity lunches « , said Jose.
Un Granito de Arena’ especially thanks Claudia Lagos, Ximena Lobos, Patricia Ercilla, Paula Vargas, Loreto Gonzales, Edith Espíndola, María Zapata, Ximena Tiznado, Isabel Grandon, councilors and all the neighbors who humbly contribute to this work.
José concluded by expressing the joy they feel at being able to provide this help : « We are very happy to offer this service to our neighbors in need ».

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