In the northern sector of the city of Santiago, there are towns such as La Pincoya, Conchalí or El Barrero, which have significant pockets of poverty and inequality. It is common to see poor families here who live in houses that do not meet the necessary conditions. These are families who are not eligible for the traditional bank financing system and who do not receive any state aid.

We build and improve houses for poor families in the northern municipalities of Santiago, Chile. This program supports families in an integral way by seeking to improve the living conditions of these homes.

Our goals : to build and improve housing for pre-selected families, through personalized architectural design, in order to promote the development and coexistence of the family that lives there. It thus contributes to intra-family non-violence, helps to reduce overcrowding and improves people’s living conditions.

We work closely with the municipalities of Huechuraba and Recoleta, the two closest municipalities, from where both participating families, building materials and labor come.

It also benefits from the support of private companies, certain colleges and universities in Santiago and other associations (Abriendo Camino, Misericordia, etc.)

We deliver an annual average of 5 houses, between construction, restoration or adaptation, and carry out a set of workshops aimed at housewives and their family members.

Build and Upgrade Preselected Family Houses

Through a personalized architectural design to promote the development and coexistence of the family that lives there.

A Hogar Mas Digno in Chile in pictures

A hogar mas digno Gallery

A hogar mas digno Gallery

A hogar mas digno Gallery

A hogar mas digno Gallery

A hogar mas digno Gallery

A hogar mas digno Gallery

A hogar mas digno Gallery

A hogar mas digno Gallery

A hogar mas digno Gallery

A hogar mas digno Gallery

A hogar mas digno Gallery

A hogar mas digno Gallery

A hogar mas digno Gallery

A hogar mas digno Gallery

A hogar mas digno Gallery

A hogar mas digno Gallery

A hogar mas digno Gallery

A hogar mas digno Gallery

A hogar mas digno Gallery

A hogar mas digno Gallery

A hogar mas digno Gallery

A hogar mas digno Gallery

A hogar mas digno Gallery

A hogar mas digno Gallery

A hogar mas digno Gallery

A hogar mas digno Gallery

A hogar mas digno Gallery

A hogar mas digno Gallery


(2) 22 620 8420
Avda. El Salto North 5625,

Jesus Carpintero on video

A Hogar Mas Digno in Chile
A Hogar Mas Digno in Chile
Presentation of the Fondacio Un Hogar Mas Digno project in Chile! We build and improve houses for poor families in the northern municipalities of Santiago, Chile. This program supports families in an integral way by seeking to improve the living conditions of these homes.
A Hogar Mas Digno in Chile
A Hogar Mas Digno in Chile
A Hogar Mas Digno in Chile
Presentation of the Fondacio Un Hogar Mas Digno project in Chile! We build and improve houses for poor families in the northern municipalities of Santiago, Chile. This program supports families in an integral way by seeking to improve the living conditions of these homes.
A Hogar Mas Digno in Chile
A Hogar Mas Digno in Chile
A Hogar Mas Digno in Chile
Presentation of the Fondacio Un Hogar Mas Digno project in Chile! We build and improve houses for poor families in the northern municipalities of Santiago, Chile. This program supports families in an integral way by seeking to improve the living conditions of these homes.
A Hogar Mas Digno in Chile



This center offers a complete rehabilitation alternative for physically or mentally handicapped adults with limited economic resources.


Transforming your neighborhood with ecology and recycling.


Helping people in a situation of total marginalization and extreme poverty on the streets. Thematic solidarity campaigns: coat, blanket, backpack, among others.

Library Los Almendros

The library aims to develop educational and cultural activities for children living in neighboring slums, stimulating their skills and abilities for expression and creativity.


The objective is to allow women without resources not to remain isolated, and through crafts, to find a space for meetings and creativity.