A voluntary organization
The ” Catholic Delegation for Cooperation ” (DCC) is the official international voluntary service of the Catholic Church in France. The association sends volunteers on assignments from 3 months to 2 years.

It offers two types of missions:

    • International Solidarity Volunteer (VSI) from 1 to 2 years, under government contract.
    • Solidarity Mission volunteer (3 to 6 months).

Volunteers work in all areas of development and in all types of professions.

The DCC does not carry out projects itself: it responds to the various requests of its partners who set up development projects in the countries of the South.

For each approved project, the DCC organizes the recruitment, training and preparation for sending volunteers. It ensures their follow-up during their mission as well as the administrative and social management of their volunteering. On their return, the DCC supports them in promoting their experience. It helps them to succeed in their personal and professional reintegration in France.