Reconfinement as a couple? Heading for Hope.


“To all who are sanctified in Christ (…) grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ”. How can Saint Paul's greeting resonate where we “remain” as a couple, in the vision of Fondacio?

More than ever, take care of the two foundations of the couple
what are the promise and the covenant

In any unlikely context, it is the background values that are good guides. The “promise of our couple” becomes there: what do we most want to have lived well, whatever happens?

By virtue of the alliance that binds us together, and as a family (as in a community), we become team members co-piloting a boat in heavy weather but in the wind of the Spirit! “According to the Scriptures”, we have faith that a crossing is possible. A practical method here supports the promise: day after day, "Plan, Perform, Discern, Adjust".
Also cultivate the link through well-being:

To support the alliance, we can look each other in the eye and reflect positive thoughts, shake hands, massage our shoulders, and/or giggle, taste a fruit, listen to a song, light a candle in silence: so live times of being, as a couple, in love, quite simply...

Sylvie BARTH, permanent and theologian

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