2001-2021, 20 years already that the NGO ANGE was created with the mission of promoting and defending the rights of the child in Togo. The first General Assembly of the association was held on July 25, 2001, in the presence of the actors who have been and are still involved in the action of ANGE with children. 20 years after the start of this wonderful adventure, we want to solemnly mark the celebration through various activities that will take place throughout the year.

On May 13, 2021, a thanksgiving mass will take place at the Sacré-Coeur Junior parish in Lomé Tokoin, followed by a cocktail at the headquarters of the NGO, which will mark the official launch of the festivities. After this launch, a construction site and a summer camp will follow, which will be dedicated to the commemoration of 20 years in July at Tchékpo Dédékpoe.
Friends for a New Generation of Children, ANGE, is a non-profit association law 1901 whose objective is to defend and promote the rights and interests of street children and children in conflict with the law. It was created in 2001, on the initiative of a youth adviser, Gabriel Kossi AMOUZOU, its current director.
ANGE's mission is the recovery, care and socio-professional reintegration of street children, in conflict with the law, victims of abuse or trafficking. Children are cared for, educated or in training. Particular attention is paid to tracing families, reintegrating children into their families and working with them so that children do not return to the streets. With a team of around twenty professionals, ANGE works in partnership with the General Directorate for Child Protection (DGPE) of Togo, UNICEF, FONDACIO, RESAEV Togo and RELUTET.
To date, ANGE is implementing 05 different projects in the fields of protection and promotion of the rights of children and young people, care, support, reintegration and also in the field of development. sustainable.
These 5 areas of action are: The "In my father's house" reception centre, The "Monrefuge" reception centre, The street project, The minors' brigade project and The development program in Tchekpo Dedekpoe.
Since its creation in 2001, more than 1,500 children have been reintegrated into their families by ANGE. Each year, approximately 900 children are cared for and regularly monitored, of whom at least 400 are in school. The two reception and transit centers in Lomé and Kpomé receive an average of 100 street children and children from the minors' brigade each year.
ANGE's vision is to contribute to a new generation where all children are fulfilled, equal and enjoy all their rights. Today, the Covid-19 pandemic seems to be hampering the means deployed so far in the protection of children. Therefore, the strategic orientations of the NGO ANGE for the next three years are to adapt and strengthen the protection systems in this particular context of Covid-19. ANGE also wants to pursue prevention in the streets and especially in communities by involving parents in the fight. Promoting gender and sustainable development in communities is part of ANGE's outlook.
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