Gatherings in the region on the theme of Fratelli tutti
Despite the pandemic, all over France, Fondacio workers are inventing a way to come together and celebrate their desire to be “companions of the Gospel” and to live this universal brotherhood to which Pope Francis calls us in the encyclical “ Fratelli Tutti”. Several gatherings are organized in the regions from March 2021, according to methods adapted to the health conditions of the moment.
Aware that the Spirit of Jesus Christ has been calling women and men for 2000 years to follow him and to become witnesses by learning to give their lives differently. Even today Christ travels the roads and calls, awakens, saves and sends out of love for the world he created and which too often disfigures itself. Fondacio, among other Church realities, is this place of call for lay people of all ages so that companions of the Gospel become witnesses and presence of his love.

What does it mean to be involved in Fondacio?
By call of Christ, it is to express the wish to commit oneself as a companion of the Gospel for 2, 5, 10 years and more. It is the shared recognition of a bond of belonging between the person and the Fondacio movement. It is a Yes to follow and to live of Christ from this spiritual family.
Committing to Fondacio means:
- To feel called to say YES to follow Christ, to become his disciple, with others, for the world.
- To experiment an authentic fraternal life which arouses in each one the emergence of a vocational path.
- Choose Fondacio as a privileged home base in the Church and embody its spirituality.
- Live this YES in docility to the Holy Spirit.
376 people in France have already responded enthusiastically to this call and are hired for the duration of their choice. New people will express their yes at the next gatherings. They thus demonstrate that the spirituality of Fondacio corresponds to them profoundly and that they are willing to let themselves be sent to become a bridge between God and the world, so that He may arouse life, awaken it where it is buried, starting with their own existence.
The 2021 Commitment Days will be an opportunity to state clearly what the spirituality of Fondacio is made of, this common base that connects the members: "A spirituality of blessing, communion, an apostolic spirituality and friendship with the world" .
These next few days are the place to listen to each other, encourage each other and pray for each other. During a time of celebration, everyone will be able to update or renew their yes. The gathered community will receive this word of commitment at the heart of a time of prayer. The leaders present will then send each engaged on a mission to be “living people, pastors, ambassadors of love”.
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