Posts from January 2021

Covid pandemic and Church life: what lessons can we learn?

What lessons can we learn from the Covid pandemic?: To answer this, I have chosen to talk to you[…]

Sichem-Sime: A 100% Local Market

"What gives the SICHEM market a special cachet is the quality of the products that are there[…]

2020 Christmas Meal a Success in Togo

Success: organization of a “Special Christmas Meal” which we distributed to 25 children from the neighborhood[…]

Pierre Laloux: a former member of CIRFA (IFFeurope)!

What are they up to? The elders have their say. "My wife always says she would never have married me before CIRFA."[…]

Happy New Year from Fondacio France

Happy New Year 2021 from Fondacio France! Slideshow with excerpts from the encyclical Fratelli tutti which join the charism of[…]

Lessons from 2020 with Fondacio Asia

Despite the challenges we have faced this year, it is still a blessing. Here are some shares from our[…]

Fondacio Chile: 100 boxes and more than 100 gifts

For many families, 2020 has been a year full of challenges and difficulties that have cost them[…]

Closing of the Confia campaign in Chile

On December 21, the Libretas Confia (Trust Books) campaign was closed. These financial books supported the[…]

Fondacio Chile Midnight Mass via Zoom

A group of 14 people attended the traditional Christmas mass at Fondacio Chile, which this time,[…]

Workshop on emotional intelligence with Fondacio Asia

From October 6 to November 24, 2020, Fondacio Asia organized an 8-week workshop on emotional intelligence[…]

François Prouteau's wishes for the new year

David: François, you offer us your wishes for this new year. François: Dear RCF listeners, all my best[…]


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