Conference: a path of inner and collective transformation


Conference: Welcoming our vulnerabilities at work: a path of inner and collective transformation on April 6, 2021 from 6:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m.

This online conference organized on April 6 in partnership with Forum 104 is an opportunity to highlight the conditioning of our society which calls us to be efficient, effective and above all to question ourselves on the place to be given back to vulnerability. . Our vulnerabilities, personal and collective, accepted, expressed, shared, welcomed with kindness, would they not allow us to humanize ourselves?

Forum 104 and Fondacio invite you to participate in an online conference on the theme: "Welcoming our vulnerabilities in the company: a path of internal and "collective" transformation"

In this period of global crisis which calls into question all our certainties, as a leader:

  • What are the supposed benefits and risks of welcoming and expressing my own vulnerabilities and those of others?
  • To what extent does my assumed vulnerability allow me to become more authentic with myself and more in touch with others?

During this evening, we will discover how welcoming our vulnerabilities allows us to become more resilient, meaningful and better contributors to the service of the Common Good.

The two speakers of the evening:

  • Marianne de Boisredon

Head of the Fondacio association in France

Marianne de Boisredon, Belgian, economist worked at the IRES Institute for Research in Economics at the Conjoncture Service in Belgium. She then participated in the creation of a bank for the poor in Chile for 5 years. Back in France, she taught economics at the Center Madeleine Daniélou. She then lived in Japan and China taking on responsibilities in the Association of Franco-Japanese Friendships and in Fondacio at the International Council.

She is the author of the book: "Inventing a Yin and Yang economy, testimony of a woman in the field for a fairer world" published by Renaissance editions.

She has been responsible for Fondacio France since 2017.

  • Frederic Van Heems

Managing Director Water France of Veolia

A graduate of the Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales (class of 1987), Frédéric Van Heems, 56, began his career in 1986 at Le Figaro, before joining the Nouvelles Messageries de la Presse Parisienne (NMPP) in 1994 and Hachette Distribution Services in 1997 , in Paris then in Budapest at the head of Lapker. In 2002, he joined Areva where he was director of the uranium enrichment program, then director of the nuclear measurements business unit and chairman and CEO of Canberra, based in New York. In 2009 and 2010, he was CEO of the Cegelec group, before creating his consulting company and managing Alstom Power Automation & Control. Frédéric Van Heems joined Veolia in 2014 as Managing Director of its Siram subsidiary in Italy.

He was appointed Chief Executive Officer Water France of Veolia on December 31, 2016.

Your registration for the event:

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