Solidarity prayer for Myanmar every 3rd Wednesday of the month


The situation in Myanmar remains very worrying, one year after the coup perpetuated by the army, on February1st 2021. Fondacio Asia invites us to pray for redemptive grace for the country, every 3rd Wednesday of the month, starting February 16, 2022.

The  coup d'état a year ago has plunged Myanmar into chaos. Hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets across the country. Doctors, teachers and other civil servants stopped working in protest against the coup, an initiative known as the Civil Disobedience Movement. More than 700 people died. 3000 were arrested. Even the children were not spared.

Fondacio leads several projects in the country, in the fields of education and social entrepreneurship. We are concerned for our members and friends who face danger every day, innocent and non-violent as they are. In order to be in union with them and with the people of Myanmar, the hour of prayer held every Wednesday will continue, on a monthly basis.

Pray for redeeming grace

Thus, the solidarity prayer will take place every 3rd Wednesday of the month, starting this Wednesday February 16, 2022. Here are all the details you need to join the online meeting: 

Login link (meeting ID: 895 1391 0061; access code: 592782).

8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. (Philippines/Malaysia time)

7 a.m. to 8 a.m. (Myanmar time)

“Come pray for our brothers and sisters who are suffering in Myanmar. Let us continue to send them hope and seek God's protection and grace for them. Pray for people and institutions that can do something to help end this oppression. Please feel free to share this with your family and friends so they can pray with us.

"Be present with pain and suffering"

Despite the difficult situation of our members and friends in Myanmar, they still find time and energy to prepare these prayers. Each time, they share news to better understand the situation of the country and its evolution. This helps participants connect with the people of Myanmar as they pray together. 

You can read here the testimony of a volunteer in Myanmar, from last year: 

"The weekly prayer sessions organized by Fondacio Asia have really helped me to be present to the pain and suffering that our friends in Myanmar are going through. Listening to their stories, their fears, their anxieties and their anger helps me to unite with them in solidarity. I am in awe of their peaceful and creative protests, their courage and their perseverance and I pray that the situation will turn around dramatically and that the freedom and democracy they have been fighting for for many years will return and that the lives of all the inhabitants of Myanmar be transformed once again. I send them my prayers and my love. - Maddy Edwards, Fondacio volunteer in Myanmar.

Conference on Wednesday

French speakers will be able to attend a conference, organized by Asialyst and Inalco, on Wednesday February 16 at 6.30 am, to better understand the situation in Myanmar, one year after the military coup. It will be broadcast live on YouTube.

Click here to register.

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