Pilgrims of Hope: An invitation to fraternity and fidelity

Community - SPIRITUAL

The Jubilee 2025, under the theme "Pilgrims of Hope", is a wonderful opportunity for reflection and renewal for believers around the world. In a global context marked by social, environmental and spiritual challenges, Christian hope invites us not to give up.

For Fondacio Belgium, this Jubilee is a call to act in community, with faith and trust, to open doors in the Church and society. Animated by the Holy Spirit, each believer is invited to rediscover the meaning of universal brotherhood and to respond to God's fidelity with concrete acts of love and solidarity.

Here is an inspiring appeal message from the quartet responsible for Fondacio Belgium — Anne-Françoise, Brigitte, Pierre and Dominique:

Message from the quartet responsible for Fondacio Belgium:

Pope Francis has chosen “Pilgrims of Hope” as the theme of the 2025 Jubilee to highlight the importance of hope in Christian life and in today’s world. This tradition, which dates back to 1300, takes place every twenty-five years and is an invitation to reflection, sharing and renewal of faith, so that each pilgrim can immerse themselves in God’s infinite mercy.
We are called to maintain our hope despite the challenges and difficulties encountered in our lives and in the world. Hope is the unwavering trust in God, a driving force that animates us. This will be possible “if we are able to rediscover the sense of universal brotherhood,”
"if we do not turn a blind eye to the fundamental aspects of social life."

The challenges for Fondacio Belgium in 2025 are great. It is all together and animated by the same faith in God that we will succeed in being door openers in the Church and in society. Madeleine Delbrêl wrote: "Christian hope gives us this narrow ridge line as a place, this frontier where our vocation demands that we choose, every day and every hour, to be faithful to God's faithfulness to us". God is faithful to us, our task is to respond to this faithfulness. This faithfulness is not something we generate, it is a gift from God in us if we let ourselves be shaped by his power of love, it is the Holy Spirit who acts as a breath of inspiration in our hearts. It is therefore up to us to invoke this gift: "Lord, grant me to be faithful to you in hope".

A hope that calls us to action

This message, deeply rooted in faith and humanity, is a powerful reminder of the importance of hope in our lives and actions. It invites us to walk together on the path of the Jubilee 2025, to be builders of fraternity and witnesses of God's love in a changing world, why not set out like Christine and Dominique.



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