Reciclo: Educational gardening center


Reciclo de Fondacio, organized this month a day of volunteering in the foundation's grounds, in order to prepare the upcoming opening of an educational gardening center.

This initiative will be carried out through an alliance with the municipality of Huechuraba and consists of the installation of two shaded areas on the land where the Reciclo project composters are currently located, which will serve as outdoor classrooms for the center's future training activities.

The project will focus on training residents of the municipality of Huechuraba who have been affected by the health crisis, where they will be offered the opportunity to cultivate a small plot of land so that they can produce their own food in a natural and local way.

What is Reciclo?

Inspired by projects such as “La tricyclerie” in France or “Incredible foodstuffs” in England, the project was born in 2018.

The project wants to promote the care of the planet through the collection of organic and recyclable waste (Clean Point) and workshops related to the environment. We want to promote community life in the neighborhood in which the level of crime is located and lowered through the construction of community gardens.

Several lines of action:

  • Composting. Recycling of organic matter (composting). Reciclo organizes the bi-weekly collection of organic waste from each household in tricycles and collects organic waste in different types of composters (vermicompostera, Bokashi ...) built in community.
  • Community gardens. In the medium term, Reciclo wants to use the fertilizer generated by these composters in the creation of community gardens in the neighborhood squares. In the long term, it also seeks to promote healthier eating with the use of vegetables grown in these gardens.
  • Educational workshops. Reciclo educates about environmental protection through awareness workshops: waste separation, composting, orchard creation, permaculture principles, manufacturing "zero waste" products, etc.
  • Clean Point . In the near future, Reciclo wants to build a 'clean point' in the neighborhood to make it easier for residents to separate all their recyclable waste (PET, cardboard/paper, glass, cans, Tetra Pack). This will reduce waste and improve recycling.

Here are some photos of the volunteers' work:

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