This school of worship is launched this evening, October 7, at the Centre l'Esvière in Angers, in order to teach young people[…]
In front of several hundred faithful gathered in the courtyard of Saint Damase for the weekly general audience, Pope Francis […]
On August 28, the prayer workshop organized by the Center for Spirituality and Formation of Fondacio ended[…]
"Fratelli Tutti: On Fraternity and Social Friendship" is the name of the new encyclical that Pope Francis will sign[…]
The coordination of * Fondacio in Africa has launched online charismatic prayer sessions for the benefit of[…]
Forum 104, listening to current quests for meaning After four months of closure during confinement, the[…]
We are celebrating the fifth anniversary of the encyclical Laudato Si'. Pope Francis recalled this last October: certain[…]
Father Stan Rougier is celebrating his 90th birthday. As he humorously recalls, his first "appearance" was[…]
We were nearly 200 people from 23 countries following the CoLive journey ""Parcours CoVivre"" from Easter to[…]
Fondacio and the Cotonou diocesan youth chaplaincy are creating a new digital platform to respond to the many concerns[…]
A year ago, on the initiative of Pope Francis, CHARIS, the international service for charismatic renewal, was created[…]
The global pandemic linked to Covid 19 has brought the planet to a standstill. Containment measures[…]