Three webinars in spring 2021 by videoconference, upon registration
Our era is experiencing extremely rapid scientific, technological and societal evolution, which disturbs the projections that 21st century man tries to make about his future.
Today the effervescence caused by the discoveries of Research has nothing original about it. Since time immemorial those who, in their choices, combine Prudence, Wisdom and Knowledge, those who advance always faster, always further, and those who favor the Audacity that Knowledge gives, without always measuring the ethical consequences for humanity, positive or negative, in the medium or long term.
On the other hand, what is particular nowadays is the awareness that man takes, or does not take, of the possible questioning of his own human nature through radical innovations.
In the West, legislative, regulatory and normative inflation, linked to these developments, as well as the tendency to respond to individualistic desires to the detriment of the common good, are also data to be taken into consideration in such a context.
“What is Man? What makes it an infinitely precious singular being? These are not subsidiary questions, but fundamental in the face of the radical nature of the mutation observed: Man (body, mind, soul), the only creature capable of consciousness and intentionality, faced with the risk of dehumanization, needs to set limits while protecting and nurturing its environment; such is his responsibility, such is his dignity.
What seems both urgent and exciting is to remain lucid and vigilant, to learn to discern and make ethical choices while always increasing our knowledge. It is not a question of putting Science on trial as such, but of questioning the goals and impacts of always provisional discoveries, aimed at the biologization and technologization of Man, in a context of financialization. exacerbated, with the probable risk of impoverishing, or at worst, of making the human essence disappear in its wealth and vulnerability.
“What are the opportunities and risks for Man in the face of galloping technological and scientific upheavals, in increasingly formatted societies? What compass to guide our choices responsibly? What compass to educate? »
It is urgent to consider the major role of an education that enlightens and allows everyone to build themselves with dignity throughout their lives, to engage in their relationship with the world and to determine their own position in the context. the power of algorithms.
"Can man resist the seduction of being all-powerful?"
"Which routes should we follow? Who are the actors involved? What proposals to develop?"
Aware of the complexity of possibilities and the persistence of the unpredictable, in the continuity of its reflections on the place of "the human being at the heart of the world", the CCIC in its capacity as an association of Catholic inspiration must deepen these essential questions and would like to be the bearer of words of hope.
This is the reason why the NGOs of the CCIC platform have been invited to participate in the preparation of this forum by holding regular working groups, and by broadcasting in three languages a consultation relating to all of these questions.
Chosen for their convictions and their implications in the development of the construction of a world responsible for the future of Man and that of the planet, the guests will intervene in an interactive mode with the participants, all generations combined.
The resolutions that will emerge from this meeting will respond to Pope Francis' call to participate in a new "Global Pact on Education" in the direct line of Laudato Si.
The CCIC, confirming its constant desire for cooperation, wishes through the work of this international forum to join UNESCO in the overall framework of the achievement of the 2030 SDGs, particularly SDG 4 and its flagship project: "the future of education, learning to become”
About the board:
Three webinars in spring 2021 by videoconference, upon registration
1. Webinar 1: April 8 from 5:30 a.m. to 7:30 a.m.
Opening of the forum:
Messages: Ms Stefania Giannini, Representative of the Director-General, Assistant Director-General for Education, UNESCO
Ms. Christine Roche, Honorary President of the CCIC
Introduction: Father Eric Salobir, President of the Human Technology Foundation // OPTIC; consultant to the Pontifical Council for Culture; member of the National Digital Council, France
Faced with new technologies: opportunities and risks for humans
Round table moderated by Mr. Emmanuel Leclerc (Philosopher, professor):
Health tomorrow: Mr. Hervé Chneiweiss, Director of Research at the CNRS, President of the Inserm Ethics Committee and of the CIB (UNESCO International Bioethics Committee)
Society and our freedoms: Prof. J. F. Braunstein, Professor of Contemporary Philosophy at PARIS I Sorbonne
Economy and society, needs and aspirations: Ms. Michèle Debonneuil, Economist
Testimonial: How far can the law change the human?: purpose, methodology, example (connected objects)
Mr. Christian Byk French National Commission for UNESCO and Secretary General of the International Association of Law, Ethics and Science.
Questions and Answers - Guidance
2. Webinar 2: May 11 from 5:30 a.m. to 7:30 a.m.
Faced with Artificial Intelligence, what anthropological vision of the changing Human?
With which ethical references to think the Human in order to educate a Man and not a robot.
Introductory presentation: Latest developments in our civilization, Tomorrow what destiny, for what values and issues for education in the face of AI?
Prof. Christopher Wulf, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of Anthropology and Education at the Free University of Berlin, Vice-President of the German National Commission for UNESCO
Mr. Nathanaël Wallenhorst, Doctor of Education, Environmental and Political Sciences, UCO Angers Lecturer. Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Education; member of FONDACIO.
Round table moderated by Mr. François Prouteau, Doctor of Educational Sciences, President of Fondacio
Thinking the Human:
Does Artificial Intelligence lead to rethinking the Human?
What human needs can artificial intelligence meet?
Ms Gabriela Ramos, Assistant Director-General for Social and Human Sciences at UNESCO,
Mrs. Marie Hélène Parizeau, Full Professor at the Faculty of Philosophy of Laval University (Quebec) President of the World Commission on the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology of UNESCO (COMEST) from 2015 to 2019
Mr. Yann Boissière, Rabbi, member of Judaism on the Move and President of "Les Voix de la Paix"
Prof. Lazare Poame, Prof. holder of the Unesco Chair in Bioethics, from 2009 to 2020 President of the University of Bouaké-la-neuve, Côte d'Ivoire.
Questions and Answers - Guidance
3. Webinar 3: June 3 from 5:30 a.m. to 7:30 a.m.
In the era of Artificial Intelligence, what educational orientations for the construction of the Human?
Mrs. Marie Helene Parizeau
Father Eric Salobir
Mr. Sobhi Tawil, Director of the Future of Learning and Innovation for Education at UNESCO
Round table moderated by Mr. Emmanuel Leclercq, Philosopher, Professor:
What compass for Education in the world of AI?
Prof. Laurent Bibard, ESSEC Professor, Head of Management and Philosophy,
Prof. Pierre Giorgini, Professor, Founder ENIC Telecom Lille, former Rector of UC Lille
Mrs. Tanella Boni, Poet, philosopher and professor University of Côte d'Ivoire;
Ms. Nour Kilzi, Lebanese, doctoral student in international law at Paris I, OIEC (International Office for Catholic Education),
Pr Roberto Luppi, Researcher in philosophy of law at LUMSA (Rome).
Questions and answers
Reflections for Education: Contribution of the collective work of the NGOs of the CCIC platform
Perspectives and directions:
“We have Science, shall we have Wisdom? » Which Compass for Education?
Next steps: a project over the next three years, in connection with UNESCO and its flagship project
“The Futures of Education: Learning to Become” and in response to Pope Francis' call for a “Global Compact on Education” Share Facebook Twitter Link to source https://ccic-unesco.org/webinaire-metamorphose-du-monde/
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