DATE: Tuesday, May 11, 2021 at 5:30 p.m.
The current situation induced by the pandemic leads us to believe that the technological powers, including Artificial Intelligence, would not solve all the problems. “ How far can man change the human? Where do we want to go?” This is the theme on which our speakers, with their richness and diversity, will bring us their light.
Facing Artificial Intelligence:
What anthropological vision of the changing human? With what ethical references should we think of the Human in order to educate a Man and not a robot?
Presentation in duet: Latest evolutions of our civilization. Tomorrow what destiny, for what values and challenges for education in the face of Artificial Intelligence?
Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of Anthropology and Philosophy of Education, Christoph Wulf is co-founder of the Interdisciplinary Center for Historical Anthropology at the Free University of Berlin. He is the author of The Anthropocene: from criticism to action (Cairn Le Télémaque, 2020).
Researcher and Doctor of Educational Sciences, Nathanaël Wallenhorst is a lecturer at the Catholic University of the West (Angers). His current research focuses on the educational and political implications of entering the Anthropocene. He directs the collection of the same name published by “Le bord de l'eau”.
Round table: Thinking the Human: Does Artificial Intelligence lead to rethinking the Human? What human needs can Artificial Intelligence meet?
Assistant Director-General for Social and Human Sciences at UNESCO, Gabriela Ramos was Chief of Staff to the Secretary-General of the OECD and Sherpa for the G20, and Head of the OECD Center in Mexico for Latin America , where she worked to promote reform in education and health.
A Quebec philosopher specializing in morality and applied ethics, Marie-Hélène Parizeau is an assistant professor at Université Laval. She was a member and then president of the COMEST (World Commission on the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology) of UNESCO. Author of The robotic society. Ethical and political issues (Hermann, 2020).
Rabbi of the MJLF (Liberal Jewish Movement of France), Yann Boissière teaches at the Paris Community Center and regularly speaks in many institutions and media. He chairs the association “Les Voix de la Paix” which promotes dialogue and cross-fertilization of both religious and non-religious convictions within the republican framework. Author of In Praise of the Law (Cerf, 2017).
Professor and holder of the Chair of Bioethics at Unesco, Lazare Poamé has been president of the University of Bouaké-la-neuve since 2009. Philosopher and bioethicist, he is an expert in various international organizations (AUF, UNESCO, CCCE INRA-CIRAD). Lazare Poamé introduces the teaching of Bioethics in Côte d'Ivoire from 2020. He was elected Chairman of the National Consultative Committee on Bioethics in 1994.
Doctor of Educational Sciences, Engineer IMT (Institut Mines-Telecom), Associate Researcher at the Catholic University of the West, FRANCE, President of Fondacio.
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Simultaneous translation in English
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