Solidarity initiative
Écolombie, a project led by the Apprentis d'Auteuil and Oasis, aims to provide an intercultural experience for 14 young French and Colombians, while developing and supporting environmental actions in their respective territories. Presentation.
Écolombie, what is it?
The Écolombie project offers an exchange of knowledge, cultures and skills on the theme of sustainable development. Six young French people and eight young Colombians, aged 16 to 18, take part in this project. The first phase took place in July 2022, in Bogotá, with the meeting of the two groups. The second phase will take place at the end of July 2023, this time with a meeting in France, in Toulon.
The young Colombian participants live in the poor district of San Luis, located in the heights of the suburbs of Bogotá. Some of them take part in the French courses offered by Oasis or are involved in the association's projects. Another part was selected by the Monteverde high school, linked to Oasis, on excellence and commitment to environmental projects. The young French participants are housed in a social children's home (Mecs) of the Apprentis d'Auteuil, in Toulon.
Why ?
Écolombie aims to make young people aware of the environmental cycle, through the exchange of good practices to better respect nature. It is a source of learning techniques, human training and cultural openness. The objective is to support these young people so that they become agents of change in their neighborhood and their country. This, by deepening and applying their knowledge and experience on environmental issues.
In July 2022, in Bogotá, the participants discovered different projects. Among them, the recycling of used cooking oils by transforming them into soaps and training in the creation of a garden. In July 2023, young people will discover related projects. In particular, they will meet an ecological leader, committed to the sea. They will participate in a marine litter clean-up day. Finally, they will visit a bee farm and an urban eco-farm.
By who ?
The Écolombie project is led by the Apprentis d'Auteuil, the Mecs de La Valbourdine and Oasis by Fondacio. These associations work to offer a better world to children. Apprentis d'Auteuil created the Écolombie project and manages most of the financing for the two phases. La Mecs de La Valbourdine hosts the selected young people who traveled to Colombia last year. It will welcome young Colombians to Toulon in July.
Oasis is a development and solidarity project (PDS) created in 2011 by Fondacio in Colombia and the Emilio Valenzuela High School Foundation. It is located in San Luis, in a slum of Bogotá (18,000 inhabitants), which continues to expand at the rate of new arrivals. The neighborhood presents various environmental problems: poor waste management, contamination of waterways and lack of strategies for the construction of vegetable gardens and the development of compost.
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