Integral ecology is a subject that strongly marked the CoLive 2020 trip, it is a concern in particular for many young people. In order to continue to connect our impulses, to bring together project leaders and to raise awareness, we had planned, after listening to participants’ feedback, to program a new international CoLive trip on integral ecology.
After a first international spiritual retreat in 2020 which brought together 270 people from 27 different countries from Easter to Pentecost 2020, during which we linked our impulses to be an active leaven of hope for the world. Diversity of our faces on our screens, of our countries, of our cultures, of our homes and situations of daily life… united in the « common home », living the same fraternity, seekers of meaning and builders of a world . As Brother Alois says, « I have the inner conviction that in this moment of trial, God begs us: “Wake up! « .
This year, the international headquarters of Fondacio is relaunching a new CoLive2021 journey on the theme of integral ecology, in three stages.
An international Zoom meeting will take place on Saturday, June 5 from 2 a.m. to 4 a.m. to launch the journey and attract a large audience, including young people from all countries. The meeting will be simultaneously translated into three languages (French, English and Spanish).
Everyone is invited to participate in this plenary session which will allow you to discover projects from different countries. Then, it will be proposed to register individually for the 3 meetings in small groups, which will be set up from September. The course will end with a new plenary meeting at the time of Advent.
Contact: Cécile Villegas
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