Fondacio in the world today


Fondacio is present in 23 countries around the world (ten in Africa, seven in Asia, four in Europe and two in Latin America). Our audiences are young people, couples and families, seniors and elders, leaders in society, people in precarious or excluded situations. Presentation.

Nearly 1000 committed

933 people are committed to Fondacio worldwide, in 19 countries (data from November 2021). 57% are based in Europe (375 engaged in France, 100 in Belgium and 60 in Romania); 27% in Africa (67 in Togo, 65 in Benin, 50 in Burkina Faso, 14 in Côte d'Ivoire and 14 in Congo Brazzaville, 12 in Cameroon, 9 in Guinea, 8 in the Democratic Republic of Congo, 6 in Nigeria and 6 in Ghana) ; 10% in Latin America (75 in Chile and 20 in Colombia); and finally, just over 5% in Asia (17 in Malaysia and 17 in Myanmar, 12 in the Philippines and 6 in Laos).

300 people serving

300 people, employees and volunteers in full-time equivalent, are at the service of Fondacio's activities and our projects around the world (data in November 2021). 40% are in Europe (72 employees and 49 volunteers, the vast majority in France); 30% are in Africa (76 employees and 15 volunteers); 18% are in Asia (38 employees and 13 volunteers); 12% are in Latin America (30 employees and 4 volunteers).

Community life

Fondacio is a Christian community with an ecumenical dimension. Its mission is to announce the Good News of Jesus Christ through the sharing of the Scriptures and prayer, as well as by promoting effective solidarity. Our community is a meeting place where Christians, Catholics, Protestants and Orthodox meet, seekers of meaning, those thirsty for inner life and spirituality.

6800 of them take part in our community life: 4400 take part in regular sharing groups and 2400 in our sessions. 71% are based in Europe; 16% in Latin America; 12% in Africa; and 1% in Asia.

Six community centers

Fondacio has six Laudato Si centers around the world:

11 schools

In all, Fondacio manages 11 training establishments around the world. More than 1,000 people benefited from our training in 2021. Among these establishments, five are Fondacio Training Institutes (IFF), which trained more than 400 people in 2021:

  • IFF Europe in Angers and Louvain (respectively 120 and 32 students)
  • IFF America in Santiago (125)
  • IFF Africa in Shechem (104)
  • IFF Asia in Manila (35)

Finally, six establishments are Young Lives Centers (YLDC). They trained nearly 600 beneficiaries in 2021:

  • Myitkyina and Yangon in Myanmar (206 and 162 students respectively)
  • Potosi in Colombia (120)
  • Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia (59)
  • Vientiane in Laos (38)
  • Manila in the Philippines

Social projects: overview

In 2021, 36,000 people benefited from our social projects, 11,000 of whom received exceptional food aid. More than 20,000 of the beneficiaries were in Africa, 2,300 in Europe, 1,800 in Latin America and nearly 600 in Asia.

The exceptional circumstances that occurred in 2021 (pandemic, civil war in Myanmar) led our project leaders to mobilize to provide food aid to 11,000 beneficiaries (10,000 in Asia and 1,000 in Latin America). The projects that have received this aid are:

  • YLDC and Youn Sone, in Myanmar (civil war)
  • Dhiya in India (Covid-19)
  • Jesus Carpintero in Chile (Covid-19)

In 2022, Romania took in 200 refugees from Ukraine.

… in Europe

The social projects supported in France are of the order of accompaniment, help with reintegration and fraternal times for nearly 1,400 people in precarious situations.

In Romania, the community welcomes and houses 10 orphans in a residential social center in Floreni. 40 children are fed and have access to educational activities in three social day centers in Floreni, Raiu and Vaslui County. This center also provides 400 children with school materials and support. Finally, ten vulnerable people are housed in three social houses.

… in Africa

The social projects directly managed by Fondacio are:

  • IFF Africa
  • Asfotode, in Togo: health, education and rural development (332 beneficiaries)
  • Success plus in Togo and Cameroon: education (39 beneficiaries)
  • So Zunko and Imago, in Benin: respectively education (102 beneficiaries) and promotion of women (53 beneficiaries)
  • Benin Solar Education (120 beneficiaries)
  • Biblioverte and Atchorrotch, in Ivory Coast: education (respectively 120 and 10 beneficiaries)
  • Divina, in Congo Brazzaville: education (47 beneficiaries)
  • Ossea, in the Democratic Republic of Congo: reception of street children (67 beneficiaries)

Fondacio also manages social projects in partnership:

  • Ange, in Togo: reception of street children (762 beneficiaries)
  • Sichem, in Togo: agro-pastoral farm, education, village animation activities, construction (9,589 beneficiaries)
  • Jade - for life! in Togo: specialized medical center (7,154 beneficiaries)
  • LPJ, in Burkina Faso: middle school (711 beneficiaries)

… in Asia

The projects managed directly by Fondacio are:

  • IFF Asia
  • YLDC Myitkyina and YLDC Yangon, Myanmar
  • Youn Sone, in Myanmar: social entrepreneurship project (10 beneficiary families)
  • Green Pasture, in Myanmar: education
  • YLDC Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • YLDC Vientiane, Laos
  • YLDC Manila, Philippines

In Asia, Fondacio is also leading a project in India, in partnership with Dhiya (education, 75 beneficiaries).

… in Latin America

Among our social projects in Latin America, here are those supported by our community in Chile:

  • IFF America
  • Biblioteca Los Almendros: socio-educational activities (434 beneficiaries)
  • A hogar más digno: social support and housing (95 beneficiaries)
  • Center ocupacional hortiterapia: professional inclusion for 58 people with disabilities
  • Reciclo: environmental education (156 beneficiaries)

And here are our projects in Colombia:

  • YLDC Potosí
  • Oasis: environmental education, housing, socio-educational activities (788 beneficiaries)

Fondacio's governance around the world

Since 2020, Fondacio has gradually introduced teams of co-leaders or co-chairs for the management of several countries: Belgium, France, Togo, Burkina Faso, Colombia, Chile. Asia has introduced shared governance at the continental level. In 2022, have been designated, at the continental level: a Pastoral Assembly, a Council, a responsible team.

Synodal approach

Among the main tracks collected during phase 1 of the Congress are leadership development (how to train new generations of leaders), integral ecology, youth and governance.

The path taken together, during the different phases 1 of the Congress in Africa, Latin America, Europe and Asia, made it possible to reflect on the prophetism of Fondacio in a changing world, and to begin to welcome orientations for the future. These orientations will be finalized in phase 3 of the Congress, during the international meeting in Togo.

The synodal approach has three components:

  • Term review: each Country Council organizes the term review as it wishes. The minimum expected is a return on three “prophetic” and “copyable” successes.
  • Work on the constituent texts: the councils of each country are working on the constituent texts “Spirituality and belonging”, as well as “Economic and financial management” (in connection, for this text, with the support teams).
  • Maturation of future orientations: each country is encouraged to submit its reflections in connection with our priorities and the themes emerging from phase 1.

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