Become Permanent

Fondacio encourages the co-responsibility of the baptized in the Church
and promotes new ways of serving its mission.

When we attach ourselves to Christ and his people, “new paths emerge, new paths of creativity open up, with different forms of expression, more eloquent signs and words, with new meaning for the world of today” writes Pope Francis in the Gospel (§ 11).

It is in such creativity that permanence appears, in the mid-1980s, as a means of devoting one’s professional work, one’s human and spiritual life to the service of the missions of Fondacio .


The sponsor pays his donations to the association for the time he wishes


Fondacio ensures the remuneration and social coverage of the permanent staff


The permanent associates its sponsors with its mission

Such a choice involves a period of “approach” and various renunciations – in terms of salary, social “success” and security. Beyond these renunciations, there is the choice of a sober life centered on the Essential.

The love of God and of men, the desire to radiate a spirituality of friendship based on the Gospel, the certainty of a life full of meaning for oneself and for others.

Being permanent also means, in this spirit, choosing to trust in Providence by associating and animating a network of donors linked to such a commitment, through financial support for Fondacio, but also through prayer or friendship. A deep relationship is thus established between a permanent employee and a sponsor.

Sponsored tenure is an essential part of Fondacio’s development and sustainability. It is a unique adventure that has proven itself over the past 45 years and now has more than 1,000 donors!

Four Characteristics of Permanence

Take the means to follow Christ in a vocational journey with others . In particular, this means deepening spirituality and preparing for apostolic service and professional commitment with Fondacio.

Live the mission in the inspiration of the Gospel and bear witness through a way of life that reflects simplicity and service, joy and fraternity in commitment. The community dimension of team life and mission is at the heart of the life of the permanent.

Discern the work of the Spirit in the heart of the world and of the Church . To interpret the signs of the times, as the Second Vatican Council underlined, is to perceive God’s action in human history in order to collaborate and bear witness to the hope that animates us. This is why each permanent member is in contact with the news of the Church and of the world through his heart, his thought and his action.

To associate with its mission a network of sponsors supporting Fondacio by their prayer, their friendship and their financial means . Each permanent person is an employee of Fondacio. Fondacio lives mainly on donations, the salary and expenses related to the mission of the permanent staff come from the “sponsors”. These sponsors therefore undertake to regularly pay the amount of their choice, at a rate that suits them (monthly, quarterly, etc.). They are of course free to modify or stop their payments at any time.

Each meeting is a journey that pushes me to break my certainties.


My permanency was the best accepted "form of expression" to experience what was contained and expressed in our marriage in 1975.
To allow man to live reconciled with God in the ordinary of my daily life as a lay person.


Every gift I receive brings me to my knees and invites me to give thanks.


Our mission is only possible thanks to the network of donors and sponsors who bring our hope and put it into practice.
We thank them for that!


I witness an immense generosity and I am always moved when a donation arrives.
20 years after my first steps in the field, I can't get used to the miracle of sharing.
When God calls, God provides. It is my act of faith and the driving force of my action.


Sponsorship is the first thing that shows me every day how living from providence is not just words. These are people, small miracles, that happen to us every day!


By starting from the heart of faith, we can truly reach out to all the "outskirts" of our world and bring hope to them.

Jean Marc