
An integral ecology that takes care of nature as well as the most fragile

Integral ecology: our commitment to creation

The urgent challenge of safeguarding our common home urges us to experiment and to seek sustainable and integral development. Building a better future integrates the environmental crisis and the suffering of the excluded. The 2015 encyclical Laudato Si urges us to a conversion for the involvement of all in the ways of building the future of the planet and the proposal of a new style of life.

Pollution, culture of waste and climate change

A growing awareness of part of society leads to a rethinking of progress towards the common good and sustainable and integral human development. Human causes cause exposure to pollutants, the culture of waste and climate change.

It is a global problem with serious consequences and one of the main challenges facing humanity. Changes in lifestyle, production and consumption are inevitable.

Fondacio wishes to do its part to deal with this crisis, seek solutions and assume its responsibilities in the face of these challenges.

Ecology in pictures

Towards a new leadership

The emergence of a new leadership must make it possible to open up new paths to build solutions today to current problems while preserving future generations. Young people are particularly sensitive to these problems. They are ready to engage in a more inclusive society that frees itself from the modern myth of limitless material progress. It is even an attractive and contemporary way of announcing the Good News to them.

Change of perspective: everything is linked

Reducing ecological commitment to only concrete responses to environmental degradation, resource depletion or pollution is not enough. Everything is connected. There is not an environmental crisis on one side and a social crisis on the other. Fondacio seeks to promote a change of outlook for a vision of society that frees itself from the technocratic paradigm. This integral approach for the protection of nature and that of the most fragile encourages a new synthesis for a more integral and integrating living environment.

Fondacio centers, integral ecology laboratories

Knowing how to marvel at Creation, not giving in to the dominant cynicism, experiencing beauty are a strength to lucidly look at the world as it is and dare to challenge certain dominant paradigms. Inhabiting the world more integrally with spaces for encounter and dialogue between different people is at the heart of key principles drawn from Pope Francis’ encyclical “Laudato Si”:

Everything is linked . Human societies and nature live together in a “common house”. We live the same destiny: we are interdependent. Our vision of man must take into account all living beings, without leaving any aside. The ecological problem is fundamentally social. We are invited to an experience of communion among ourselves and with nature as a whole.

Everything is given . Creation and life are to be received as a gift. Our vocation is not to be masters of anything or to dominate anyone, but to be good responsible stewards in the service of all life that is gifted. Biblical tradition and the Gospel lead us to see Creation as a gift from the Creator. Our experience of nature is spiritual. It invites us to contemplate and participate in the work of creation with God.

Everything is fragile . Fragility is constitutive of life, of nature, of every human being. This invites us to create spaces for dialogue to welcome and invent the novelty that stems from this fragility. Living together requires dialogue both in discernment to make decisions and in action which is interaction. Fragility is a path of co-responsibility, of fraternity. Being on your own makes life impossible. It is love that saves us and enables us to truly live.


    • Reciclo (Chile)
    • Eco-jogging (Benin)
    • Oasis (Colombia)
    • Shechem (Togo)