The new CoLive course was launched on Saturday June 5!
On Saturday June 5, we were nearly 150 people from 20 different countries, gathered for the first international meeting of the CoVivre 2021 Course on Integral Ecology. A big thank you to all those who were present, with whom we were able to share a great moment of inspiration and hope.
We now invite you to register for the rest of the course, which will be a unique opportunity to share in small groups with 6 people from other countries and continents in order to share this momentum around the safeguarding of our “common home”.
Invite widely, especially the younger generations!
This cycle will be organized in 3 meetings of 2 hours in small groups: one in September, one in October and a last one in November. The small group facilitator will contact the members of his group to set the dates and communicate the outline of each meeting.
We encourage you to register in a language you know, different from your mother tongue, in order to promote the diversity of groups. Indeed, this experience to live is an invitation to let ourselves be moved by the people we will meet; the more diverse we are, the more it will help our personal openness and change.
Registration form (required to participate):
Registration deadline: August 15, 2021 (Which guarantees you will be in a diverse group.)