Social Business

Combine economic and social aspects to promote the emergence of hopeful projects.

Development and solidarity projects are at the heart of Fondacio’s identity and mission. It is a question of engaging in dialogue and in relation to the most pressing needs of people in great vulnerability, “at the geographical and existential peripheries”.

To ensure the sustainability of projects and their growth, while respecting the autonomy of each individual, Fondacio wishes to develop new methods of action based on partnership with other structures and the search for economic viability. This is the Social Business approach.

Doing business for the common good

Social Business moves the usual cursor of the method of financing development or solidarity projects based on philanthropy alone. The entrepreneurial logic applied to the resolution of societal problems opens up new avenues for consolidating the means of action of projects and their change of scale.

This type of social innovation can take different forms aimed at the self-financing of actions: income-generating activities, social entrepreneurship, investment funds with a social purpose or models associating different public, private and associative partners.

This is an approach that Fondacio wishes to promote, in particular by developing synergies and exchanges of good practices between projects and countries.

Social Business in pictures

Promote meetings between actors

Faced with the scale of societal challenges, the responses to be provided must be co-constructed by associations, private and public, who often do not have the experience of collaborating together. Promoting frameworks of cooperation between these different stakeholders, while respecting the role and responsibility of each, is part of Fondacio’s mission.

This role of active leaven within a coalition of actors, closer to the field, sometimes constitutes the essential contribution of Fondacio’s contribution, even if it is less visible.

Exercise inspired leadership

Fondacio awakens people to the spirit of enterprise, audacity and humility. Cultivating leadership also means encouraging a quality of presence to oneself and to others that allows one to influence one’s environment by generating momentum and by making a concrete commitment to serve the common good.

Authentic leaders are constantly on the path of transformation that detaches them from their ego and connects them to others and to nature, as well as to their beyond. They are inspired by this source of energy and initiative to move forward, change the world and give hope.


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