
Accompaniment, sessions, cycles, retreats, journey of faith, community groups, fraternities, times of prayer, projects, services, Fondacio’s proposals are multiple in an attempt to respond to the quest for meaning and nourish one’s spiritual life.

spiritual healing

Carried by a look of faith on the human being, Fondacio proposes ways to give meaning to one’s life, to live more authentic relationships, to respond to the challenges of today’s world.

How? By offering spaces for reflection, openness and spiritual renewal, moments of exchange with others, insights into life and the meaning of life, opportunities to engage in projects.

In all activities, everyone is welcomed as they are and respected in their differences.

Find all the proposals developed in each country in the Find us section.

ecumenical spirit

There can be no “more human and more just” world if it is not a world more united and in dialogue, and this dialogue passes through the meeting of different approaches and religious convictions.

It is not just a matter of getting to know each other better or of knowing who the other is, but of translating this dialogue, this encounter, into action, especially with the poor – those who have the most material and spiritual needs – in a ecumenical spirit.

An identity based on a human and spiritual approach.

Fondacio was created in 1974 in the wake of the Second Vatican Council and the dynamic of openness to the world that it instilled in the Church. The community at the heart of Fondacio brings together Christians united by a common spirituality: they are animated in their daily life and in their commitment to society by their faith. They have the will to follow the message transmitted by the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to share it.

They are committed to living a Christian life that prioritizes, on a personal level, daily prayer and formation, caring for others, and responsible commitment. They meet regularly for common moments of sharing, prayer, formation and service to others.

People committed to Fondacio want to live a spirituality based on:

    • A spirit of blessing: they believe in the dignity of man and in the beauty of creation. Animated by faith and hope, they wish to collaborate in the creative work of God.
    • Friendship with the world and service: they desire to serve man, like Christ.
    • Listening and fidelity to the Holy Spirit: they want to collaborate in his action, which is a source of unity in everyone’s life.
    • A desire to build communion between people, particularly in ecumenical and interreligious dialogue.

“Christians for the world”, such has been the motto of Fondacio since its creation in 1974

Spiritual in pictures

Witnesses to the spirituality born of the Gospel, the members of Fondacio deploy multiple initiatives which are a path of transformation and conversion, of prayer and sharing with others, and of active commitment for greater justice and humanity. .

Fondacio is still on the way...

On mission in some twenty countries, the women and men of Fondacio want to promote a spirituality of friendship based on the Gospel.

Recognized by the Catholic Church (canonical statutes of pontifical right), the association endeavors to develop ecumenical links with the Orthodox and Protestant Churches. ( Link to official documents )

The charism of Fondacio: 3 dynamics of life centered on Christ

The three dimensions in which the charism of Fondacio is exercised, founded on the Gospel and friendship with Christ, are expressed in its DNA: to be oneself, to be with, to be for. These are three life dynamics.

All of Fondacio’s proposals aim to support people in their quest for meaning, authentic relationships or commitment, based on these 3 dynamics. They are the fundamental and inseparable components that irrigate all of Fondacio’s offer and actions.

Be yourself

Give meaning to your life with a personal transformation path

Be with

Live better together in fraternal and supportive relationships

To be for

Engage in the world and with others, in the service of building a more humane and fairer world


“…now I call you my friends, because all that I have learned from my Father, I have made known to you.” John 15:15
The friendship of Jesus reveals the love of God which, through his Spirit, is given to each person. Our experience of friendship drawn from the Gospel is a source of life, deeply transforms our relationships and energizes our commitment in the world where everyone becomes a friend.

We bless you, Father, Creator of all life,
Source of all that is beautiful, good and true.
You love the world so much that you give us your only Son, Jesus Christ, every day!
Through it, you give everyone back their true humanity, their true face.
With him, you call us to build this world according to your love.

In him you show us the way, the truth and the life.
We bless you, Jesus Christ, Lord and Saviour,
face of the Father, face of man.
Put in our hearts the desire to follow you,
forgiveness that restores,
the hope that your resurrection gives.
Make us witnesses of your light.

We bless you, Holy Spirit, you who make all things new!
You inspire in our hearts words and gestures of love.
Make us docile and faithful to your voice on our human roads.
Come and make us sons of God and brothers and sisters,
workers of peace and justice, happy to serve.

Bless Lord our Fondacio community!