Our goal
Our goal
Fondacio’s raison d’être is to train and support the builders of a more humane and fairer world, with young generations at heart. This has been its identity since the beginning: the emergence of vocations for a new world.
Builders of a more humane and fairer world
In just over 45 years, Fondacio has experienced rapid development and diversification. Its mission has been deployed in some twenty countries, by opening up to a plurality of cultures, by building bridges between very different social backgrounds, by casting a look of hope on the world, by training people who passionate and committed to the good of humanity.
Encourage vocations of builders of a more humane and fairer world.
Fondacio, on different continents, in Asia, Europe, Africa and Latin America, carries out development and solidarity projects in several areas: education, health, social and sustainable development, with also a set of programs that support and equip future builders in three dimensions:
- Giving meaning to your life, with means of personal and professional training.
- Live relationships of solidarity, cooperation and partnership that allow us to value and combine talents for a greater, stronger and more lasting impact.
- Engage in projects to bring out new solutions for a more fraternal world.
Bring proposals to the challenges of our time
We live in a world of turmoil that is becoming increasingly complex and accelerated. This sometimes seems threatening, especially on issues such as ecology and climate. At the same time, new opportunities emerge, sources of hope in the search for meaning. This is how Fondacio approaches both this context of change and the need to respond to today’s challenges by supporting and training the actors of change.
Throughout the world, many proposals are integrated as closely as possible with local expectations and problems.
Find all our actions in the ” Our actions ” menu
Commit today to build the change of tomorrow
Engage with young people: The new generations are at the heart of the future and it is with them and for them that we must act first. They are at the heart of the systems offered by Fondacio in an intergenerational approach.
Engage as actors of change: Allow everyone to contribute to wearing their own color, being a bearer of solutions, or influencing decisions based on shared values for a common good.
Engage in pilot experiences: Pilot projects are developed and accompany the achievements or the search for solutions aimed at sustainable development. On all continents, incubators of change and innovation work for better living together and for the safeguarding of the common home.
Some significant examples: Sichem in Togo, L’Esvière in Angers, L’Ermitage in Versailles, Oasis near Bogota, Los Almendros in Santiago…
Fondacio is still on the way
Fondacio was born in 1974 in the wake of the Second Vatican Council and the dynamic of openness to the world that it instilled in the Church. On mission in some twenty countries, the men and women of Fondacio want to promote a spirituality of friendship based on the Gospel.
Recognized by the Catholic Church ( canonical statutes of pontifical right ), the association endeavors to develop ecumenical links with the Orthodox and Protestant Churches.
Like our logo, everyone is called to be a spark in the heart of the world. A spark of change.
"Christians for the world" has been Fondacio's motto since its inception in 1974.
Witnesses to the spirituality born of the Gospels, the members of Fondacio deploy multiple initiatives which are paths of transformation and conversion, of prayer and sharing with others, and of active commitment for greater justice and humanity.
The three dimensions in which the charism of Fondacio based on the Gospel is exercised are expressed in its DNA: to be oneself, to be with, to be for. These are three life dynamics.
All of Fondacio’s proposals aim to support people in their quest for meaning, authentic relationships or commitment, based on these 3 dynamics. They are the fundamental and inseparable components that irrigate all of Fondacio’s offer and actions.
Celebrating our diversities around the world
At the heart of it all is the appreciation of intercultural and interreligious encounters and dialogue. The value of dialogue and difference as assets for acting together aims to ensure that differences are not factors of reduction but of increase and greater benefit for the benefit of all and of the community.
Fondacio’s open mindset is key to its operation. It is not a community with a marked identity component or one that encloses. Anyone, whatever their beliefs, can find what they are looking for and can get involved.
Within Fondacio, there are several cultures from East to West, several denominations, Orthodox, Protestant, Catholic… There are also other people, without religious labels, who meet, dialogue and act together. The purpose of our meetings is to open our hearts wide to the peripheries of the world, and to let ourselves be moved to better hear the calls and the cries, the hopes and the anxieties, the joys and the sadnesses of the men and women of today. today, and more particularly of the most fragile.
As Saint Augustine affirms, ” brotherly love is God himself “ . It is the beating heart of Fondacio which wishes to testify ever more of such love. Fraternity is experienced as companionship, a source of support, encouragement, challenge and even co-creation. Fraternity is the goal and also the path of the human adventure, our path. Fondacio proposes to live and move forward together on this common road, open to all.