75% of Fondacio’s annual global budget comes from financial donations, without which Fondacio could not survive, let alone grow.

Give for what?

Fondacio’s annual global budget is around 8 million euros, including the promotion of volunteers. We can only sincerely thank all the donors and patrons who allow our movement to act in the field, with the target audiences of Fondacio, and to continue.

The many projects and actions carried out by Fondacio around the world are grouped into four programs:

Education and youth : this program covers all actions with young people, including sessions and camps organized for young people (from 12 to 30 years old) and training. The program also includes solidarity actions carried out in certain countries to enable young children and young people to benefit from schooling (schools and tutoring) or to be reintegrated into society.

Couples and families : the goal is to enable couples to communicate better, take care of themselves and better know how to manage difficulties in their relationships or in the education of their children.

Solidarity in the social and humanitarian fields: The field of solidarity reaches many audiences in many fields. First of all education (see above: schools, tutoring, reintegration of street youth) but also health (fight against AIDS, or malaria, medicinal plants), vocational training and social entrepreneurship (school farms, YLDC centres , habitat (construction and renovation of dwellings), integral ecology (solar collectors, actions for the planet), sanitation and water (wells), etc.

Actors at the heart of the world : this concerns all those who wish to discover and deploy their vocation by giving more meaning to their lives. And therefore to be fully “agent of change in the world, spark in the heart of the world”. To this end, a set of training courses are offered to them. In particular, within the Fondacio Training Institutes , which aim to reveal the talents of young people in professional research.

To carry out all these programs, Fondacio naturally relies on many volunteers , but also on people who commit their professional lives to the service of Fondacio’s mission:

Fondacio Permanent : these are salaried people who devote their professional life to Fondacio’s mission and who are invited to finance (all or part) of their salary costs in the form of “sponsorship”.

International volunteers : people with recognized skills who engage for a fixed period (6 months to 2 years) in a specific project in a country outside their usual place of residence (often on another continent). These people also need financial support to finance all or part of the costs of their mission.

Supporting one of our projects, or sponsoring a permanent or a volunteer is of paramount importance to support Fondacio’s mission. Finally, as in any organization, Fondacio has structural costs to enable it to operate (premises, general services, travel, events, etc.): contributing to these structural costs is also a real way of supporting Fondacio in its missions.

Nothing Could Exist Without You

We can only sincerely thank all the donors and patrons who allow our movement to act on the ground and to continue.

How to do ?

Here again, multiple modalities are possible depending on the specific situation of each person, and whether it is an individual or an organization.

Among the most common are:

    • Financial donations, of a variable amount and generally limited, paid regularly or on an ad hoc basis, which may be unallocated (leaving the choice of the best allocation to Fondacio) or dedicated to a particular project.
    • Patronage, which concerns more important values and can be made by cash donation, but also in other forms such as material goods (equipment), real estate (buildings, land) or human resources (skills sponsorship ). Patronage does not require compensation.
    • The bequest: it allows a person to transmit by will, to an organization (or to another person), part of his property after his death.

Other methods are possible but technically more complex and are intended for specialists. Contact us if necessary.

To make a donation, you must contact the fundraising department of the country in which you reside or one of the country officials.

In France, an online donation site exists and donations can be made directly online, including for projects located in a foreign country.

Fiscal advantages

In some countries (France, Belgium), tax advantages are authorized by the government, which makes it possible to deduct part of the donations made from taxes. For example, in France, Fondacio has the possibility of receiving deductible donations, either from income tax, or from IFI tax, or from corporation tax. Refer to the taxation in force in each country.

Traceability of the use of donations

When the donor or sponsor dedicates the donation to a specific project or action, the funds received are effectively allocated according to the donor’s wishes. If no specific allocation is desired, Fondacio allocates the sums according to needs and priorities. In all cases, reporting is carried out and donation allocations are traced. In countries where Fondacio is strongly established and relies on an associative and legal organization, the accounts are certified and the annual financial report is available.

Thank you !

To all those who are already working with us and to those who will join us, Fondacio and all of its managers are fully grateful to them.

To find out more about Fondacio’s activities in the countries, go to the ” Find us ” page.