Fondacio in Congo Brazzaville since 2002

An emerging and dynamic community at the heart of the challenges of society and the church.

“Our mission is to contribute to the emergence of a generation of disciples of Christ, confident in their personal identity, able to work in a team and putting their gifts at the service of the local church and the society around them. “

Fondacio’s activities in Congo Brazzaville began in 2002. Since then, seven young people have been trained at IFF Africa. Fondacio in the Republic of Congo is present in two cities: – BRAZZAVILLE (3 groups of young people linked to the parishes: St Jean Baptiste Bernadette and St Jean Apostle) and GAMBOMA (273.4 km north of Brazzaville) where in 2015, a group promoting the youth was formed in the cathedral parish of St Pius X.

Average income
$118 / month
Annual growth
+ 2.54% / year
22% pop.
human index
0.606 (137th)
Life expectancy
64.6 years old
Poverty situation
36% pop.

Our actions in Congo Brazza

A dozen major activities are animated and organized to reach a very large audience:

  • training sessions,
  • conferences,
  • debates,
  • JEA,
  • prayers,
  • feast …


R1: Hubert Alain ALOUNA.
R2: Brel Gaudence ONGAGNA.

To Contact us:
Tel: +242 06 860 38 92.

Fondacio in Congo Brazzaville: all our pops

Fondacio training institute

IFF Africa wants to be a “talent revealer” at the service of a more humane world.

Economic context

The Congolese economy, extremely dependent on hydrocarbon revenues (90% of exports and 75% of revenues) is suffering from the fall in oil prices. This led to lower growth (+6.8% in 2014, 1% in 2015 and -2.7% in 2016).

Inflation remains subdued, but public debt has increased. Apart from the extractive industries, mainly oil, and a constantly growing tertiary sector, the share of GDP in the other sectors (construction, manufacturing, agriculture and livestock) remains low.

The development of infrastructures, in particular road and rail (Pointe-Noire / Brazzaville axis) is important for the opening of the hinterland but also of the Central African Republic and the DRC.