ANGEL: "Friends for a New Generation of Children"

A legal support and care project for children in conflict with the law in Togo.

ANGE is a Togolese NGO that takes care of street children and children in conflict with the law. Since 2001, she has collaborated with the Brigade for Minors, which includes many street children, where she intervenes once a week to defend and promote the rights and interests of disadvantaged children.

Children represent nearly half of the Togolese population, or nearly 3,000,000 minors. The number of children working and living on the streets or on the beach is increasing daily.

The absence of a follow-up policy, of provisions obliging parents to keep the child in school, the dislocation of families, poverty and the insufficiency of structures for combating juvenile delinquency, explain this abandonment of children in the street.

ANGE is one of the associations accredited by the State to care for children identified by the Green Line (free phone number set up by the Togolese State in 2009 for child protection).

Our objective:

  • Contribute to the fight against juvenile delinquency in Lomé,
  • promote and protect the rights of Togolese children,
  • educate and reintegrate into society street children in conflict with the law,
  • make parents, young people and society aware of the difficulties linked to juvenile delinquency, the importance of parental education, the dangers of the streets…

ANGEL in pictures















4 ANGE sub-projects

ANGE has divided its action into 4 sub-projects:

  • two reception centres, one in Lomé and the other in a rural area (Mon Refuge) near Sichem,
  • the Brigade for Minors where ANGE provides legal support, manual training and socio-educational activities,
  • the beach where the association regularly invites children still living on the street to meet and organizes walks several times a week.
  • monitoring and sustainable reintegration of children, as well as schooling, are at the heart of ANGE’s actions in each of these projects. To date, more than 700 young people are cared for and monitored by ANGE, of which around 600 are in school.

This follow-up is carried out in the reception centres, in the families where the children are reintegrated (family of origin or foster family) and in schools and vocational training establishments. On average, around 40 to 50 children are cared for in the Lomé center and around twenty children in the Mon Refuge centre.

The latter is being expanded to accommodate more children, its center being located in a rural area far from the city and its temptations allowing a more sustainable reintegration of children in difficulty.


260 Joy Street,
House Tokoin St Jo No. 57 03
BP 31295 Lomé – TOGO

(+228) 22 21 25 38
(+ 228) 93 39 93 52 / 90 18 42 55

Friends For A New Generation Of Children

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