Fidesco is a Catholic non-governmental volunteer organization for development projects in the countries of the South, founded in 1981 by the Emmanuel Community, following a meeting in Vatican City with African bishops.

The volunteers who leave with Fidesco are singles, couples or families, young people, adults or retirees, wishing in the name of their faith to work for the marginalized: this explains the name of FIDES – CO: faith and cooperation. Their objective is to put their professional skills at the service of development projects, to help local populations or humanitarian actions.

They place themselves at the service of the partners of the local Catholic Church, in response to a need and a request. These partners are already working for the benefit of underprivileged populations, whatever their religion, ethnicity or culture, in very diverse fields: education, teaching, management, construction, health… and in various establishments: dispensaries, camps refugees, centers for street children, agricultural schools…
