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Fondacio Congress: towards a co-presidency

The 6th Fondacio Congress, which has been open for a year, continues. After a first phase devoted to meetings on each continent, from January to August 2022, it is now the preparation of the next mandate that is being developed. Then a hundred delegates and guests will meet at the Togo , from April 29 to May 7, 2023, for the launch of the new term.

Choosing a co-chair team

The Congress met on Thursday, January 19, 2023, to vote on a motion regarding the constitution of a co-presidency team for Fondacio. The motion was passed by a large majority: 90% of the votes cast (75 ballots for, out of 83 voters). Thus, it is indeed a team of co-presidents who will take over the management of the association from May. This team will be made up of three to five people with complementary profiles. One of them will assume the role of president in the legal and canonical sense of the term (according to the statutes of Fondacio ).

How to constitute it?

This first motion passed, Congress was asked to vote on three other motions detailing the election process. One of these motions related to updating the list of eligible persons, comprising 82 names. Another, on the four stages of the co-chair election process :

  • First step: each country chooses up to five people from the list of eligible candidates. The Fondacio Council also chooses five. They transmit their choices directly to the GAD (discernment assistance group).
  • Second step: the GAD counts the votes obtained. He proceeds to call people and accompanies their individual and collective discernment.
  • Third step: a single team or several are presented to the delegates before the meeting in Togo.
  • Fourth stage: it is, or they are, submitted to the vote of the delegates.

Finally, a last motion concerned the vote of confidence in the GAD. The Fondacio Board adopted all of these motions.

Next steps

Thus, the consultation of the councils of each country and the Council of Fondacio was launched. Responses can be sent to the GAD until February 3 .

Then, from February to April, the GAD will call the chosen people and accompany them to discern. The team (or teams) will be presented to the delegates at the end of April, at the latest, before the election of the co-presidency of Fondacio and its Council, during phase 3 of the Congress in Togo.

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