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Fondacio in Africa: 40 years of commitment

The first phase of the Congress will begin tomorrow in Togo. A forum, About “Social Entrepreneurship and Professional Integration of Young People” , will be held on Saturday February 26 and Sunday February 27, 2022. Let’s take the opportunity and look at the projects carried out by Fondacio and its partners in Africa.

Twelve projects

Fondacio has been active in Africa since the 1980s. Local communities have launched social projects, such as training centers or the construction of wells. “All the projects come from a local initiative. They can be compared to little shoots that have grown and developed,” says Caroline Jouan, general secretary of Fondacio.

The “Africa Program” was created in 2015 to bring together all these projects. It became the “Africa Office” (African Office) in 2020. It is now recognized as the legal representation of Fondacio in Togo and Africa. Currently, the Board has four members and one supervisor.

It supports 12 projects:

  • In Togo: Friends for a New Generation of Children, Ange (Friends for a New Generation of Children); Jade – For life! ; Sichem / Agro RD; Asfotode; Success +; and the Fondacio Training Institute (IFF) in Africa.
  • In Burkina Faso: Macy Ountaani Primary School (EPMO) and the Lycée pour la Promotion des Jeunes (LPJ).
  • In Ivory Coast: Biblioverte and Atchorrotch.
  • In Benin: So-Zounko.
  • In the Congo: Divine.

Six programs

Through these 12 development and solidarity projects (PDS), six programs are implemented by Fondacio with its local partners:

  1. Education
  2. Protection and rehabilitation of children
  3. Socio-professional integration
  4. Health
  5. Water and sanitation
  6. The environmental Protection

1. Education

A total of 8,825 young people benefited from the program in 2020. School support was offered to the majority – children in primary and secondary schools in difficulty – several times a week. The schools received furniture and teaching materials (tables, benches, manuals, squares, compasses, etc.). 53 people, including 42 women, also learned to read and write.

Four projects (Sichem, LPJ, Success + and Sô-Zounko) have libraries . Students and teachers can consult and borrow books. Sichem and LPJ have multimedia libraries. They organize computer training for young people from 8 to 20 years old.

In addition, children have the opportunity to participate in socio-cultural activities . In 2020, 2,300 young people took part in spelling and arithmetic contests, lectures, film screenings, dances, storytelling and theater activities. The aim is to showcase the artistic talents and leadership qualities of young people.

“It’s different. It’s a fun educational tool that helps reinforce their education,” says Caroline Jouan. “It goes through games and dances, but also talks – talks – on hygiene, a film, politics, sex education…”

2. Protection and rehabilitation of children

The NGO Ange works to improve the lives of vulnerable children from poor families. She conducts awareness campaigns in the communities (talks, discussion groups and media coverage). It also welcomes a hundred children in its two centers . They come from the street or from the Minors Brigade.

In 2020, nearly 112,000 meals were served; XNUMX children from the centers and from the streets received medical care . Ange also works to reintegrate children into a family environment conducive to their development. In 2020, the NGO helped 52 children find a family.

3. Socio-professional integration

This is the theme of the forum to be held this Saturday and Sunday in Lomé, Togo. You can watch it live on YouTube .

Thanks to the actions of IFF Africa and the Atchorrotch centre, this program benefited more than 500 people in 2020. Atchorrotch trains women in sewing. IFF Africa offers both long training (9 months) and short sessions (3 to 30 days) in agricultural entrepreneurship. IFF Afrique also helps young people to choose their school orientation.

With vocational training, young people can earn a living. They can take charge of their lives. They regain their self-esteem and dignity . Working gives them a sense of value in society. It also makes it possible to combat rural exodus and illegal immigration.

4. Health

Africa suffers from a lack of facilities and trained personnel to treat respiratory diseases, sexually transmitted infections, HIV/AIDS and malaria. Fondacio improves access to health care in Togo with two partners in the field: Jade in urban areas and Asfotode in the countryside. In 2020, 9303 consultations were carried out. 93 births were supported.

Jade also provided care, analysis, treatment and psychosocial follow-up to 1,156 people living with HIV/AIDS, including 686 orphans and vulnerable children. This allows them to regain their dignity and avoid stigma in their environment.

5. Water and sanitation

“In sub-Saharan Africa, only 24% of the population has access to a source of drinking water. Basic sanitation facilities, not shared with other households, are reserved for 28% of the population” ( United Nations World Report on Water Resources Development, 2019 ).

In Togo, Asfotode has built three blocks of public latrines and three drinking water points. This benefits approximately 6,000 inhabitants. During the Covid-19 crisis, all SDPs have installed temporary or permanent handwashing facilities.

6. Environmental protection

Sichem / Agro DR and IFF Africa promote nature-friendly agriculture . Farmers and agricultural entrepreneurs are trained in agroforestry. They learn to use natural inputs (biopesticides, biofertilizers). Biblioverte and Asfotode raise awareness of environmental protection. Together, these four SDPs planted 2,000 trees in different locations in 2020.

Furthermore, Fondacio and its French partner Armor have experimented – with Sichem and Sô-Zounko – with small solar-powered lighting devices to improve children’s education. Sichem, thanks to its partner TMSU International, has also acquired a biogas plant for cooking and biofertilizers.

Let’s now take a closer look at the projects carried out in Africa:

Angel (Togo)

Ange is an NGO (15 permanent employees) which protects and defends street children in two centres: “Dans la maison de mon père” (“In my father’s house”), in Lomé, the capital of TogoAnd “Mon refuge” (“My refuge”), in Dzogblakopé, north of Lomé. It is an important player recognized by the Togolese local authorities. Children represent nearly half of Togo’s population (3 million minors in 2020). The dislocation of families, poverty and the inadequacy of the fight against juvenile delinquency explain the abandonment of children in the streets.

In addition to providing psychological and educational support, Ange finances the children’s schooling . The PDS provides them with food and health . On average, 40 to 50 children are housed in the Lomé center and 20 in the Mon refuge. The location of the Mon refuge, in a rural area, allows a more sustainable reintegration of the children. Almost 2,500 young people have been cared for by Ange to date, of whom more than 600 have gone to school. Ange has a library for children, also open to everyone in the neighborhood.

Jade – For life! (Togo)

This association opened a specialized medical center in Togo in 2002, on the border with Ghana. It aims to help and support people living with HIV/AIDS , in an area of high migration, subject to the sex trade and social delinquency. Home visits are organised. Jade – For life! also acts in favor of the families of people living with AIDS, in particular children and orphans . In 2020, 2070 patients were treated.

Sichem / Agro RD (Togo)

Sichem is an agro-pastoral center based in Dzogblakopé, near Lomé. Students are trained in different fields: carpentry, masonry, agriculture (in partnership with IFF Afrique) and sewing . The site is divided into five sectors: reception, with catering and accommodation; construction of schools; education; animation of village communities; animal and plant production (pig, sheep and goat breeding, reforestation, etc.).

In 2020, 42,000’6,000 inhabitants of three cantons benefited from the support and training of Sichem. In total, more than 128 young people are welcomed in one of the MORE THAN 128 SCHOOLS AROUND THE WORLD supported by the center (100 schools, 22 colleges, 6 high schools), 20 of which were built by it. After Shechem built a school, she ran it for several years. Shechem pays the teachers. If the school works well, Shechem hands it over to the State. From a private school, it thus becomes a public school.

Then, Sichem ensures the maintenance of the equipment. The center trains school principals as well as teachers in various fields. It supports the strengthening of the pedagogical capacities of teachers, helping them to deal with the problems of dropping out and overcrowding in classes of 80 to 120 students. Sichem has also opened two libraries.

Asfotode (Togo)

This project was born in 1996 in Assomé, 30 km north of Lomé, on a large agricultural land called “Nazareth”. Two years later, in 1998, it was joined by the Saint-Etienne health center. The two entities were merged in 2016 under the name Asfotode. This name shows the partnership between Assomé, Fondacio and Togo Debout, a Belgian association.

Today, the project is based on three axes: rural economy ; health (consultations, deliveries, pharmacy, prevention) and well-being; education (with tutoring), culture and traditions . 605 people benefited from it in 2020. Nearly half of them were children who received school support.

Success + (Togo)

This project was born in 2008, within the Fondacio community house in Lomé. The children and teenagers of the Hountigomé district came there in the evening to take advantage of the light to revise their lessons. From there, a project of school supervision , socio-educational animation and the creation of a library was settled.

In 2019, more than 900 young people participated in Success + Activities. They were nearly 500 the following year, a drop due to Covid-19.

FIF Africa (Togo)

IFF Africa opened its doors in 2002, like other Fondacio institutes around the world. It offers human training , focused on project management in the field of sustainable agriculture. Indeed, it is difficult for farmers to live decently from their work in Togo, hence the massive rural exodus of young people. Their training in agriculture aims to revitalize the rural environment, where there are opportunities for development.

Since its creation, IFF Africa has trained more than 1500 people . Its flagship programs are:

Macy Ountaani Primary School (Burkina Faso)

The Macy Ountani Primary School (EPMO) is located in Tambiga, in the bush, 30 km from Fada N’Gourma, in the east of the country. It was born in 2001, on the initiative of a local association linked to Fondacio in Burkina. Over the years, permanent buildings have been constructed to house the children of the area. This saves them from having to walk more than 7 km every day to the nearest public school. A school canteen is provided at lunchtime.

The EPMO is poor in basic equipment and infrastructure, but very rich in the motivation of its teachers! Until September 2020, the school had 132 students. The number of students steadily increased for several years, until school closed in September 2020, due to increased terrorist threats . Indeed, the Tambiga area is one of the most affected by the deterioration of the security situation in Burkina Faso.

Since 2015, the country has been caught in a spiral of violence attributed to jihadist movements affiliated with Al-Qaeda and the Islamic State organization. They left at least 2,000 dead and 2022 million displaced. A military junta overthrew the government in January XNUMX. According to the military, the government was not doing enough to protect the population from the jihadists.

High school for the promotion of young people (Burkina Faso)

The LPJ is a college which was created in 1997, in Fada N’Gourma (eastern Burkina Faso). Classes take place both during the day and in the evening. Students prepare for the Brevet d’études du premier cycle (BEPC). Evening classes are intended for young adults who have dropped out of school. A secondary cycle opened in September 2019.

The LPJ has nine classrooms and an administrative building. Students and teachers also have access to a library and a media library. Currently, the LPJ welcomes more than 450 students during the day, and 250 in the evening.

Biblioverte (Ivory Coast)

Since 2018, Biblioverte has been awakening students in Bouaké (central Ivory Coast) to environmental protection . Reading clubs have been set up in pilot schools in and around the city. An inter-school competition and a major “eco-citizen walk” are organised.

A small library, with readings on the theme of ecology, is installed in the winning school, after the competition. Green spaces are created in schools. In 2020, 300 children benefited from this SDP.

Atchorrotch (Ivory Coast)

The Atchorrotch Center trains school dropouts, especially girls, in sewing . It is based in Bouaké, the country’s second city, in the N’Gattakro district. In 2020, around twenty young people were trained. The center is intended to host socio-educational activities , such as conferences, a library and film screenings. The center also serves as a gathering place for Fondacio’s community activities in Côte d’Ivoire.

Sô-Zounko (Benin)

In Sô-Zounko , a lake city located north of Cotonou, Fondacio carries out literacy activities , especially for women. It also ensures the education of children in difficulty. The language spoken, Toffin, is different from that spoken in Cotonou, Fon. Thus, literacy courses in Fon and French are offered. Children are welcomed in a small library. In 2019, 26 young people and adults took literacy classes. More than 120 children have been supervised.

Divina (Congo)

The Divina Center, located in the capital Brazzaville, offers tutoring and academic support to young people in the Ngamakosso district. It helps to pay school fees. It offers socio-educational and sports activities. Every month, about fifty children benefit from the activities of the project, run by Fondacio volunteers in Congo.

Fondacio: a human vocation

Fondacio is made up of a community of approximately 3,000 people. They engage with a network of over 10,000 friends who support missions around the world. All are driven by the desire to respond to the essential aspirations of our contemporaries: to live authentic relationships, to find meaning in life, to engage in greater solidarity…

Each year, more than 100,000 people benefit from the activities carried out in some twenty countries around the world. In each country, Fondacio members are involved in solidarity development programs to improve the living conditions of the most vulnerable. The projects are open to the entire population, regardless of their political or religious affiliation. Actions are carried out in collaboration with local civil and political structures.

In its actions, Fondacio seeks to integrate all the dimensions necessary for the sustainable development of territories (education, vocational training, health, economic development, social integration). Even if certain situations require urgent action, Fondacio’s work is long-term and therefore leaves time for the training of local actors.

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